Monday, May 17, 2010

stepping stone...

It seems despite my best efforts to move on and be strong I continually put myself into positions that have me feeling like a stepping stone. Something has to give...something has to change...I will keep you posted!

Duffy - Stepping Stone

Saturday, May 1, 2010

too busy living!

I have completely fallen off of the blogging wagon and been just living day to day. Just recently both of my sisters have drawn attention to the fact that they are both blogging and I thought I better get busy again!

This has been a pretty good weekend...I can't complain. I was to sleep by 8:30 last night and then met up with some dear friends for a mudslide and a movie...oh yeah and a little shopping today. Unfortunately they all had lives and had to hurry home and I came home to an empty house. Aneesa is at my sister Heather's with my parents for the day. So it was just me and my yard! Something I love and hate all at the same time!

Just when I think I want to complain about having to weed and feed I get a phone call from another social worker in the district. She needs me to be at her school first thing Monday morning to help counsel kids because a 3rd grader has committed suicide...pause...a 3rd grader! Suddenly the stress that I have felt for the last couple months is lifted...who cares if my house didn't sell...who cares if I fell in love and had my heart broken...who cares that I am broke!?! I have so much to be thankful for...those days when I wanted to just burst into tears walking down the hallway now feel like a distant memory and I have come out stronger on the other side.

I pray for this child's family...I pray for this child's friends. If only this child could have come out stronger on the other side!