Sunday, August 29, 2010


Do you think that you can only truly love one person? Do you think that in our lives we actually have a soul mate...that one person that we connect with. We connect with to the very root of our being? I sometimes wonder if I am searching for something that does not exist...holding onto a dream that is merely just that...a dream. And what happens if we find that one true love...our soul mate...and then they slip away? Are we able to move on from there or do we never really love again?

Today I stood by and watched a friend as her heart broke. She had that love...that some of us never find. They were going to grow old together and then he slipped away...lost to cancer. Standing in the camper...standing where their future once was...she cried...and I stood there. As much as her heart breaks because she has lost heart breaks because I have never known that kind of love.